Welcome to iLab, Columbia University’s Core Facility Management System

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About Columbia University’s Core Facilities and Shared Resources

Columbia University's core facilities provide shared access to state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation and services. These facilities are open to all Columbia faculty, research scientists, and students, and will often provide education and training as needed. Many of the cores and shared research facilities use the Core Management software (iLab). This tool allows researchers to reserve time on equipment or submit service requests to the core. iLab also provides centralized billing system for core services. Use the Core Facilities tab above to identify facilities using iLab and to access them.

To view a comprehensive list of facilities, including those that do not use iLab, please refer to the VP&S Research website below.


Learn More about Shared Resources


Non-Columbia (External) Users
Although the core facilities are primarily intended for use by Columbia affiliates, some facilities are available for use by non-Columbia researchers as part of collaborations and/or on a fee-for-use basis. Information about external use of Columbia core facilities, including the creation of an iLab account (if needed), is available on the public VP&S Research website.


Instructions for External Users


iLab Help

For general support, the iLab Help Site provides a one-stop shop for all things related to iLab.


iLab Help


The VP&S Office for Research has developed FAQs to help users:
  • Set up accounts
  • Add users to labs and delegate responsibilities
  • Perform core billing events
  • Review invoices and spending on core services


View Guides for Internal Users


Contact Support

For assistance with iLab related issues once your account or core has been created (after reviewing the guides and FAQ), please email iLab support at ilab-support@agilent.com and cc Jeffrey Hoinacki (jh3293@cumc.columbia.edu).


Contact iLab Support


For questions about the VP&S core facilities, contact the core directly or contact the VP&S Office for Research


Contact the VP&S Office for Research


iLab Cores at Columbia University

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
Animal Facilities (Institute of Comparative Medicine) Andrea C. Hubbard ah2911@cumc.columbia.edu 212-305-2338
BSL3 Facility (ADARC) Manoj Nair mn2947@cumc.columbia.edu 614-271-3792
Biomarkers Core Laboratory (Irving Institute) Renu Nandakumar, PhD rn2374@cumc.columbia.edu 212-305-0871
Biomarkers Shared Resource Regina Santella, PhD rps1@cumc.columbia.edu 212 305-1996
Biomedical Informatics (HICCC) Dr. Aris Floratos af2202@columbia.edu
Cellular Immunotherapy Laboratory (CITL) Rodica Ciubotariu rc248@cumc.columbia.edu
Center for Community Outreach and Engagement Mary Beth Terry mt146@cumc.columbia.edu 212-305-4915
Clinical Informatics/CISR (HICCC) Janie Weiss janie@columbia.edu 1 646 317 0536
Columbia Genome Center Columbia Genome Center genome@columbia.edu
Confocal and Specialized Microscopy (HICCC) Theresa Swayne, Ph.D. tcs6@cumc.columbia.edu 347-920-6865
Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics) Robert Grassucci rg2502@cumc.columbia.edu (212) 305-9520
Database/DBSR (HICCC) Database Email dbsr@lists.cumc.columbia.edu
Digestive & Liver Disease Research Cores Seetha Srinivasan svs2113@cumc.columbia.edu
Digital and Computational Pathology Laboratory/DCPL (Pathology and Cell Biology) Maria Kouimanis mk3255@columbia.edu 212-342-2202
Flow Cytometry (Columbia Stem Cell Initiative) Michael Kissner mdk2108@cumc.columbia.edu 212-305-2561 (lab) 914-715-8765 (mobile)
Flow Cytometry, Microscopy, and Shared Equipment (CCTI/HICCC)
Genetically Modified Mouse Models/GMMMSR (HICCC) Jianwen Que, MD, PhD. jq2240@cumc.columbia.edu 212-305-5961
Genome Engineering Core Facility (Systems Biology) Jeremy Worley jw3409@cumc.columbia.edu
Genomic & Bioinformatics Analysis Resource GenBAR Projects precisionmedicine@columbia.edu
High Throughput Screening (Systems Biology) Chuck Karan ck2389@cumc.columbia.edu (212)851-4862
Human Immune Monitoring (HICCC) Benjamin Izar bi2175@cumc.columbia.edu
ICRC Conference Room Scheduling Ben Rhoades br2599@cumc.columbia.edu 212-851-4959
Microbiology & Immunology Shared Resources Microbiology & Immunology Shared Resources microimmuno-facs@cumc.columbia.edu 212-342-4089
Microbiome (Medicine) Anne-Catrin Uhlemann, MD, PhD au2110@columbia.edu (212) 342-4530
Microscopy Core (MMC) (Medicine) John Murray jwm2175@cumc.columbia.edu
Molecular Pathology/MPSR (HICCC) Hanina Hibshoosh MD hhh1@columbia.edu
Molecular Pharm & Therapeutics Shared Resource Annie Donohue akd2154@cumc.columbia.edu
Mouse NeuroBehavior Core (Institute for Comparative Medicine) Mu Yang, Ph.D. my2524@cumc.columbia.edu Cell: 6462447113
Musculoskeletal and Body Composition Imaging Core Mariana Bucovsky BoneResearch@cumc.columbia.edu 212-305-7225
Oncology Precision Therapeutics and Imaging Core/OPTIC (HICCC) Christopher B Damoci cd2758@columbia.edu 212-851-4901
Proteomics and Structural Biology (HICCC) Rajesh Soni, Ph. D. rs3869@columbia.edu
Radiation Research (HICCC) Howard B. Lieberman, Ph.D. hbl1@cumc.columbia.edu Tel: 212-305-9241 Fax: 212-305-3229
Radiation Research/SARRP (HICCC) Hong-Jian (James) Wei, Ph.D. hw2711@cumc.columbia.edu 201-355-6801
Single Cell Analysis (Systems Biology) Erin Bush genome@columbia.edu
Taub Institute Shared Resources Qiongfen Guo qg3@cumc.columbia.edu 212.305.9736
Zuckerman Institute: Advanced Instrumentation Tanya Tabachnik tt2564@columbia.edu 212-853-0472, 609-851-2135
Zuckerman Institute: Cellular Imaging Darcy Peterka dp2403@columbia.edu 212-853-1124
Zuckerman Institute: Flow Cytometry Ira Schieren is104@columbia.edu 212-305-1005
Zuckerman Institute: MR Core Raphael T. Gerraty rtg2116@columbia.edu
Zuckerman Institute: Molecular Tools - Virology, Antibodies and Genetic Access Tools Tanya Tabachnik tt2564@columbia.edu (212) 853-0472